“Tena koutou katoa. As chairman I am writing in support of the asbestos removal company, ‘C2K Projects Ltd’ owned by Nikki & Joe Rawiri. In late 2020 Roma Marae Trustees engaged their services to remove the asbestos from our wharenui Te Ohaki as part of the government marae restoration (PGF) Provincial Growth Fund project. We were impressed by the professionalism of this Maori owned business. Their communication was superb with swiftness in response to queries and follow up. The attention to detail and in particular Health & Safety was exemplary. On site all precautions were taken to inform those in the immediate vicinity of the danger presented by exposure to the work site. The workers completed their work within the time quoted and left the site, clean and tidy. Nikki had arranged for the site to be inspected on the day that the work was completed and the Certificate of Fitness provided to the marae trustees gave us confidence and satisfaction in a job well done. On behalf of the Roma Marae Trustees Ahipara, I wholeheartedly recommend the workers and the management of C2K to anyone considering employing this company.”